From Self-Employed to Employee “I always had this gut feeling that there was another path I needed to follow.”
From Branding to Beauty “I knew that I wanted to change things, but stepping out of my comfort zone felt frightening.”
From the Gym to Healthy Lifestyle Trainer “It rarely feels like 'work'; it's more like an extension of my play time.”
From Telecoms to Strategic Design “I imagined my CV in 2025, and there was a big 'NO' in my head – I didn't want to be that guy.”
From Press Office to Portfolio Career “I'd been feeling unfulfilled in my job for years. I knew there must be 'something else', but I just didn't know what.”
From Investment Banking to Philanthropy “I was feeling the full impact of doing work that wasn't consistent with my values. I couldn't go on like that.”
From Manager to Business Owner “I realised how much time I was spending away from my family, friends, and the home that I loved.”
From Advertising to Literacy Training “Over the years I fell more and more out of love with my work.”
From Marketing to Moving Worlds “I would just sit in some meetings and think about how little everything mattered.”
From Accounting to Food “My confidence was at an all-time low. I couldn't bear the thought of being in a more senior role.”
From the Police Station to the Gym “I couldn't see myself doing the same thing for another 30 years.”