Find work you love, faster

Break out of analysis paralysis. Discover exciting career possibilities. Find direction and confidence for your shift.

Places for our October course have now closed.
Our next cohort runs from February 5th - April 9th 2025.

The world’s longest-running group-based career change course

  • Discover exciting new career paths that fit who you are
  • Get confident about what you’re good at
  • Find direction for your next career, without risking your finances or your day job
  • Feel a new level of energy about your career – and your life

You’re ready to make a change, but you’re not sure where to start

You've had enough of waking up and feeling flat about the day ahead. You can't shake the sense that you're in the wrong place career-wise, and it's leaving you feeling frustrated and unfulfilled.

You want to do work that feels like “you”, but you're not sure what that is – or where to start.


“The course was transformative. It put a rocket under my shift and helped me to identify a career that I didn’t previously know existed.”

Beth – From Creative Agency to Social Impact Consultancy

The Launch Pad is an 8-week immersive experience, delivered online, to give you clarity, confidence and direction

Built on 17 years’ experience of working directly with more than 15,000 career changers around the world, our methodology is based on three pillars – most of which run counter to conventional careers guidance.

Act it out, don’t figure it out

  • Overthinking your career change? Made lists, read career change articles, done online profiling tests and still not got any clearer about what else you really want to do? If you're stuck in analysis paralysis, more analysis won't help.
  • Instead, action is key. Through the activities we’ll give you, you'll be in motion: generating new exciting ideas; running small career experiments to test what works with minimal risk; and, as each action builds on the previous ones, feeling clearer and more confident every week.

Look for people, not for jobs

  • Endlessly scrolling though job sites? Getting no joy from recruiters? Feeling drained by the process? Unfortunately, the traditional job market is not supportive of career changers.
  • Instead, we’ve seen that looking for people, not for jobs is more effective. You’ll not only learn about other fields, but also uncover new work opportunities in the hidden job market. We’ll show you how to identify these people, how to approach them and how to make the most of your interactions with them – leaving you with new ideas, new motivation, and new opportunities.

Do this with others, not alone

  • Feel like you might be your own biggest obstacle? Know that your fears and your lack of knowledge about what other options are available to you are keeping you stuck? Doing this alone is the hard way.
  • Instead, surrounding yourself with a support team is one of the most effective accelerators for your career change. In the Launch Pad, you’ll travel the journey with a bright, motivated set of peers, multiple experienced coaches, mentors and subject matter experts. You’ll feel supported, you’ll open up new connections and perspectives, and you’ll get unstuck faster.

Follow a step-by-step, structured process

Each week, you'll follow a carefully designed set of missions and exercises.


Missions are active tasks that get you engaging with the world outside of your head (think conversations, experiments and challenges). They’ll test your assumptions, open your mind to new possibilities, and get you making step by step, tangible progress toward clarity on your future career.


Exercises are reflective tasks that draw out insights, flip perspectives and hone possibilities (think worksheets, creative thought experiments and planners). They’ll help you clarify your thinking, open your mind, and uncover ideas you didn’t know you had.

You’ll move through our three-stage process

Most career changes take a minimum of six months to make, so we're not expecting you to make a full shift within the eight weeks of the course. However, we've designed the experience to get you unstuck, into action and finding the direction you need to make your shift happen.



  • Generate new, exciting ideas, even when your mind feels like a vacuum. 
  • Break out of the thinking that's been holding you back
  • Understand what your skills are – and which ones you're most excited and transferring into a new field

Finish this stage with an exciting new worldview, a new set of career possibilities and a deep understanding of what you want and what you’re good at.



  • Bring together your ideas in an unconventional way that gives you access to new career options.
  • Reveal the hidden clues that have been right in front of you the whole time.
  • Articulate what you want and what you bring to the table in an authentic way that's unique to you.

Finish this stage with 3-5 career themes that give you purpose, energy and direction.


Testing and Validating

  • Test your new career directions to make sure they’re viable, without needing to leave your day job (or take financial risks).
  • Build confidence, experience and authority in your chosen career areas.
  • Learn to create new work opportunities for yourself, even when there’s no job advertised.

Finish this stage with confidence that you’re on the right track, your first option tested, and a completed 'Career Change Compass' to give you a clear roadmap to move forward.

“I’d spent so long feeling unhappy at work that it felt important not to compromise anymore. The Launch Pad helped me structure the actions I needed to take for my shift.”

Ajit – From Corporate to Start Up

Get expert input on your shift

Your Launch Pad leaders will provide you with expert input, challenge and accountability throughout the eight weeks. And they haven't just made their own successful shifts; they also bring years of experience to share with you from working in large corporates, government, non-profits, international development, social enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Find work you love, faster

Places for our October course have now closed.
Our next cohort runs from February 5th - April 9th 2025.

Save time and effort with our tools and resources

Move faster and track your progress with our ready-to-use tools and cheat sheets

For each mission and exercise that's part of the course, you'll get an easy-to-download PDF cheat sheet to follow. These are accompanied by checklists, templates and tools for you to complete as you progress on your career change journey.

Launch Pad tools

Use what's worked for others

Why re-invent the wheel? We'll share with you the emails and scripts that have successfully opened doors and generated job offers for our previous participants, so that you can adapt these for your own shift.

Launch Pad cheat sheets & scripts

Join a vibrant community that will help you move faster in your shift

Get support and accountability from your coaches and a peer group of like-minded shifters

If you've struggled to make progress on your own up to this point, the Launch Pad is designed to put the ideal team around you. Draw on the expertise of our coaches; know that you'll be supported and held to account by your peers; and take advantage of the wealth of connections that can come from your group.

We'll be here for as long as you need us

Our support doesn't just last for the duration of the course. You’ll become part of our Launch Pad Alumni, which will provide you with a supportive community in a private group and ongoing support with our quarterly 'Momentum' calls.

Feel secure with our money-back guarantee

Feel secure with our money-back guarantee

If, within the first two weeks of The Launch Pad, you decide you'd rather not continue, we’ll refund your course fees.


Money back

“I’d had enough of analysis paralysis. The Launch Pad helped me get clear on what I like and don't like doing. I now wake up with a sense confidence and purpose about my work.”

Chiaki – From Tax to Project Management

Our participants come from a diverse range of sectors, work situations and ages


Employment status at the start of the course

Age range

... and here are success stories from our alumni

"The Launch Pad shifted my mindset – I wouldn’t have approached my now boss and then taken the chance to move into this job opportunity without the course. "

Rosana - From Engineer, Aerospace Industry to startup that teaches and develops games for the elderly

"The Launch Pad enabled me to translate what I value and enjoy into a career, and equipped me with the tools to actually make the shift. It makes something quite scary, very practical, achievable and enjoyable! "

Ross - Shifted from Talent Development to Sustainability

"The Launch Pad has given me a good alternative process for finding work that I love, and not worrying about CVs and job applications. That’s made it all much more relaxing. I feel far more in control of my destiny now! "

Ned - From Digital Marketing to Social Enterprises

"I'm happy for two reasons: firstly, that I actually made a change and have embraced it, and secondly that the change feels right – it's where I am meant to be right now. "

Andrea - From Insurance to Data Science

"I've taken the plunge to being a freelance writer, and in doing so I feel far more energised and more 'me' than I have done in a really long time - in fact perhaps ever. I'm so happy! "

Nina - From HR to Freelance Writing

"Incredibly motivating. It changed my perspective and I now work for myself. The Launch Pad helped me be brave enough to make the shift. "

Julie - From Senior Lecturer to Consultant, Trainer and Coach

"The Launch Pad allowed me to understand the steps that I needed to feel confident and clear about my career. It really did change my life. "

Kelly - From Commercial Marketing to Business Owner

"The Launch Pad showed me that career change doesn't have to be scary; it can be exciting, light-hearted, an adventure. "

Mat - From Advertising to Freelance

"Coming out of this shift, I’m in flow every single day. It’s just an enormous change! My future looks bright, and I have a great plan. It’s a thrill to be living like this now. "

Alan - From Information Systems to Insurance

"I feel extremely grateful that I’m able to live the life that I’ve always dreamed of, after years that felt incongruous. I’m healthier and happier than I’ve ever been. "

Carli - From Logistics to Graphic Design

Find work you love, faster

  Launch Pad Launch Pad Plus

Feel confident following a clear, structured, step-by-step process

Get short, easy-to-follow Missions and Exercises that are designed to fit around your other commitments

Get expert input from your Launch Pad leaders, trainers and mentors

Draw on the expertise of a team that has a combined 45+ years in the career change coaching space

Get accountability, connections, and support from your fellow Launch Pad participants

Feel supported in a community of bright, motivated, like-minded shifters for the eight weeks – and beyond

Save time and effort with our downloadable cheat sheets, tools, templates and scripts

Get access to word-for-word scripts and email templates that have worked for others, as well as a scorecard to help you track your career experiments

'How to understand what you're good at' training

Learn the most effective ways to start identifying and ranking your most transferable skills, so that you can confidently communicate about them to potential employers

'Your Career Change Compass' training

Bring together your key outputs from the course into a 'Career Change Compass' that gives you clarity and direction towards the career that's right for you

Get peace of mind with knowing that you can continue to access the materials as long as you want

Revisit the materials at any time after the end of the course, and enjoy access to all future updates and improvements

Get support for as long as you need it after the course

Join our quarterly Momentum group calls after the course has ended – for as long as you need them

Get individual support with 3 x 45min 1-on-1 coaching calls

Benefit from focused 1-on-1 time with our expert coaches, to give you additional personalized support with the issues you most want help with – and you can use these sessions at any point during the course, or for up to three months afterwards

Get help whenever you need it, with unlimited email support

Have access to private support and advice from the Launch Pad Team when you need it, for the duration of the course

'How to build a LinkedIn profile to support your career change' course

Learn how to effectively convey your skills, experience and interests on LinkedIn in a way that opens up opportunities, without letting your boss or colleagues know your intentions – and go step-by-step through how to use LinkedIn to connect with people who could be useful for your shift

Get a personal review of your resume and LinkedIn profile

You’ll get detailed, personalised feedback from our resident resume and LinkedIn expert on how to present yourself in the most effective way on paper and online
Next course runs from
February 5th - April 9th 2025
  • Launch Pad
    (or 4 instalments of $405)
  • Launch Pad Plus
    (or 4 instalments of $535)

Take part at no risk

Take part at no risk

If, within the first two weeks of The Launch Pad, you decide you'd rather not continue, we’ll refund your participation fee.

Money back


How is the Launch Pad different from working with a coach?

In short, you get most of the benefits of working with a coach and a lot more – at a significantly reduced cost.

In particular:

- Rather than relying on the expertise of one coach, you get to work with a minimum of three different coaches, all of whom have their own specialist expertise

- You have the connections, energy and accountability of a remarkable community around you

- You have the option of 1-on-1 support, just as you would get from working individually with a coach, through our Launch Pad Plus option

Can I get 1-on-1 support?

Yes, with our Launch Pad Plus option.

This will give you three 45-minute 1-on-1 coaching sessions with one of our expert career coaches that can be used during the course or up to three months afterwards.

You’ll also get unlimited 1-on-1 email support, access to our 'How to build a LinkedIn profile to support your career change' course and a personalised review of your resume and LinkedIn profile.

When do the weekly group coaching calls happen?

From 3.00pm-4.00pm Eastern / 12.00pm-1.00pm Pacific every Wednesday, with a 2.30pm-4.10pm Eastern/ 11.30am-1.10pm Pacific kick off call on the first Wednesday of the course.

All of the calls are recorded, so you can easily catch up on any that you can't make.

Will the Launch Pad fit around my full-time job and/or family commitments?


The Launch Pad is specifically designed to work over and above a full-time job and other commitments.

We ask you to dedicate a minimum of an average of 45-60 minutes a day to the process.

If you have more time than this available, you’ll be able to move faster.

What if I'm away or unavailable for part of the course?

Generally, this will be fine.

We ask that you commit a minimum of 45-60 mins a day to the process, so if you're unable to complete a week’s Missions and Exercises, you should be able to catch up.

All calls will be recorded during the course for you to review at any point, and all the materials will be available to you for as long as you need them afterwards.

Does it put me at a disadvantage to be out of work during the Launch Pad (even if my finances are OK)?


We've had previous participants use the Launch Pad as a great way to take action on their next career move following a period of redundancy, a career break, or taking time out for their families.

It often means you may have more time to devote to the course, which is a good thing!
Does the Launch Pad work for introverts?


The course is designed for extroverts and introverts alike. We've taken particular care to craft the Missions and Exercises to work for introverts – both in terms of their effectiveness, and in terms of feeling comfortable and feasible to do.

How many people will be taking part in the Launch Pad?

We are expecting the cohort size to be between 25-40 participants.

Is there a crossover between the Launch Pad and your online workshop?

The Launch Pad is designed to follow on from the workshops (although our workshops are not a prerequisite for participation).

While our workshops take place over a few hours online, the Launch Pad takes place in the real world and over the course of eight weeks. It’s a much more in-depth, action-oriented experience.

What are the benefits of Launch Pad Plus?

Our Plus option is for you if you’d like additional, personalised support with your Launch Pad experience.

You’ll get private one-on-one time with one of our coaches, extra tailored support via e-mail (in addition to our community space), access to our 'How to build a LinkedIn profile to support your career change' course and a personalised review of your resume and LinkedIn profile.

What's the difference between a mission and an exercise?

Missions are activities you will conduct in the outside world, often involving other people; Exercises are reflective exercises you can do at home by yourself.

Is the Launch Pad just for young people?


We’ve taken participants through the course up into their 50s and 60s, as the same principles for making a successful shift still apply.

Is the Launch Pad just for corporate professionals?


We've had participants from the creative sector, tech, the charity sector, teaching, administration, healthcare, marketing, back-to-work parents, freelancers, and many more.

What unites them all is that they’re committed to doing what it takes to make a shift into fulfilling work.

Is the Launch Pad right for me if I'm considering starting a business?


If you think you might like to start a business or work for yourself in some capacity, yet aren't sure what exactly you might do, then the Launch Pad can help you clarify and firm up your ideas. The Launch Pad will also help you test your ideas in low-risk ways.

If you already have a good idea of the business you would like to launch, and need help with the more technical aspects of getting started, then the Launch Pad wouldn’t be the best fit for you.

How do the instalments work?

If you choose to pay in instalments, your first instalment will be processed when you decide to join the course and, after this, there will be three further instalments that will be processed every 4 weeks.

Please note the instalment rate is slightly higher than our normal one-payment rate to cater for the additional administration on our side.

When will your next intake be?

After October 2024, the next intake will be in February 2025.

Do you have something less involved that I can start with?


Our workshops are short, powerful ways to learn more about what you want from your next career and the steps to takeand the ideal pre-cursor to our Launch Pad.

Do you have a program for executives / senior leaders?

Yes, we do.

It's called our High Flyers' program. It's by application only and the first step to express interest would be to send a quick email to [email protected].

Do you have case studies of people who have been through the Launch Pad?

Yes, we do.

You can find out more about Launch Pad Alumni's experiences and career shifts here.

Any other questions?

See our Help Center or drop us a line at [email protected].