From Corporate Finance to Menswear Brand (Plus Post-shift Update) “I always felt that the people on the other side of the table (my clients) were having more fun.”
From Secondary School to Awarding Body (Plus Post-shift Update) “I had nagging doubts that I wasn't making a difference anymore.”
From Communications to Portfolio Career “I was so over having a corporate career with the long days and commuting.”
From Law to Slippers “I felt very strongly that if I didn’t give it a go, I'd forever wonder 'what if...?'”
From Coaching to Consultancy (Plus Post-shift Update) “I needed a more resilient career after facing a challenging time.”
From Law to Teaching (Plus Post-shift Update) “I liked my work, but I felt there was something more out there for me.”
From Molecular Biology to Photography “I knew that I didn’t want to be tied down to one particular location, or to a corporate life that offered no freedom.”
From Scientist to Digital Marketing Consultant (Plus Post-Shift Update) “It felt like I was going through the motions, rather than actively enjoying my career.”
From Teaching to Interior Design “I wanted to show my children that you don’t have to be one thing all your life; you can make a change if you want to.”
From Housing to Healthcare “I was working a lot more than my contracted hours, which was significantly impacting my social life and well-being.”