From Civil Service to Charity “Courage, like fear, is infectious. If you surround yourself with positive people, you can achieve almost anything.”
From Technical Writer to Hydrobiologist “I didn't feel 'in place', as if I was only a ghost in someone else’s life.”
From Big Corporate to the Rugby World Cup “I found myself working long hours and never really switching off in the evenings or at weekends.”
From Graphic Designer to Adventurer, Speaker and Author “The thought of wasting my life doing something I didn't enjoy dramatically shifted my focus.”
From Recruitment to Fitness “I’m thoroughly enjoying the new challenges after years of feeling stuck in a rut.”
From Accountant to Social Entrepreneur in India “Working for myself is infinitely better than working for somebody else.”
From Horse Training to SEO “I was ignoring my instincts for the pay cheque, beginning to resent riding and losing my lifelong love of being in the saddle.”
From Stockbroker to Singer-songwriter “I found an old career questionnaire response I'd written. It said 'If I could do anything in the world, I'd be a popstar.' Suddenly, the truth was loud.”