From Corporate Communications to Travelling Portfolio Careerist “I'd started to value the wrong things, and I was feeling empty because of it.”
From Sports Coaching to Property Development “I'm happy to work hard for a goal, but I realised that the hours I was putting in weren't worth it if that goal was ultimately unachievable.”
From Marketing to Teaching “I came home from a bad day at work and a hideous journey on the tube, and I just knew I had to do something else.”
From Finance to Writing & Own Business “I don't miss the sweaty morning commute or the feeling that I was living for the weekend.”
From Analyst to Senior Brand Manager “I wanted to have the time and mental bandwidth to be really present in my life, and with my family.”
From Art Editor to Photographer and Graphic Designer “I don't miss having to 'design by committee', or the office politics.”
From the City to the High Seas “I caught the train to work one March morning. The sun came out, the breeze was a steady force 3-4, perfect for sailing, and I just thought 'What am I doing?'. I resigned that day.”