From Human Resources to Freelance Consulting “It got to a point where I was limited in what I was able to achieve.”
From Social Media Manager to Artist and Maker “I was miserable. I didn’t even know who I was anymore.”
From Office Life to Creative Freelancer “I really enjoy setting my own schedule, and connecting with clients around the world.”
From Business Development to Art “I became disillusioned with my job and all the office politics that came with it.”
From Teacher to Copywriter “I felt a lot of stress at work, having to deal with so much outside of my control.”
From Photographer To Web Developer “The most difficult thing was becoming confident in my newly acquired skills.”
From Business Development to Business Development “Deep down I thought I had to make a change, but I was stuck in a 'velvet rut'.”
From Scientific Analyst to Blogger “I don’t miss the 9-5 grind and the commute everyday, stuck in bumper to bumper traffic all the time.”
From Research to Portfolio Career (Plus Post-shift Update) “I would sit with one eye on the clock, counting down the hours and minutes until I could walk out the door.”
From Sommelier to Tech “There was nothing more to try in this profession; I wanted something drastically new.”