From Law to Portfolio Career (Plus Post-shift Update) “There have been times when I've truly felt like giving up.”
From Marketing to Portfolio Career “I couldn’t distinguish between what I'd decided for my career and what I’d been pushed into.”
From Management Consultancy to Social Enterprise “I wanted to do something that had positive social or environmental impact at its heart.”
From Corporate Life to Travel “I’d put all my efforts into climbing a ladder that I realised too late was pitched against the wrong wall.”
From Hospitality to Big Retail (Plus Post-shift Update) “I had the mindset of 'this is my job. I've made my bed, I lie in it'.”
From Major Bank to UX Studio (Plus Post-shift Update) “When somebody I'd just met asked me about what I did for work, I'd wish I didn't have to tell them.”
From IT to Axe Throwing (Plus Post-shift Update) “I wanted to be much more hands-on in all aspects of a business.”
From Museums to Writer and Editor (Plus Post-shift Update) “I noticed that I was actively dreading returning to my job.”
From Software Consulting to Product Manager “It was a sense of wasting my life spending time on something that wasn’t truly aligned.”