CDC Train Learning Network
CDC Train Learning Network

CDC Train Learning Network is a free service for learners from the Public Health Foundation.
CDC Train Learning Network is a free service for learners from the Public Health Foundation.
It provides access to a large number of courses developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) programs, grantees, and other funded partners.
Powered by the Public Health Foundation (PHF), the CDC Train Learning Network brings together agencies and organizations in the public health, healthcare, and preparedness sectors. Together they disseminate, track, and share trainings for the health workforce on a centralized training platform.
The TRAIN Learning Network is comprised of:
- TRAIN Affiliates that operate branded TRAIN web portals, have administrative access to the TRAIN platform, and work together to coordinate and share workforce training efforts.
- Government agencies, academic institutions, and other nationally-recognized and respected organizations that post content to the TRAIN Learning Network in order to disseminate and track their trainings to the health workforce.
- TRAIN learners from all US states and territories, as well as other 177 countries. Anyone can register as a learner on TRAIN at no cost and access thousands of openly available course offerings, the majority of which are free.