Our Online Career Change Workshop

How to identify exciting, viable options for your next career

The world’s longest-running career change workshops

A powerful, practical and inspiring online workshop designed to kick start your career change when you’re not clear on what else you want to do.

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  • Get a step-by-step plan to help figure out what you really want to do
  • Start discovering the ingredients that are going to be key to your next career
  • Draw on expert input from our career coaches
  • Leave feeling less alone, clearer on what’s important to you, and more confident about moving forward

The first step to any career change is to get a clear understanding of what is important to you.

Too important to compromiseOften career changers ‘jump in at the deep end’ of career change, trying to list job options before thinking about what exactly they want to get out of a career change. This can result in a lot of frustration, and rarely results in a good career change. 

Why? Because picking a new career without understanding your basic ‘me-criteria’ is akin to closing your eyes and picking a career at random. No wonder people spend years going around in circles trying to decide what to do next. Through this workshop, you learn how to choose a new career, the right way.

Our workshop is designed to get you unstuck and clear about how you can make your shift


Get clarity

You’ll learn:

  • Why your passions are important but also not the whole picture
  • The three paradoxes that are making it hard for you to shift – and how to overcome them
  • How to identify what stage of the career change journey you’re at and how that can help you know what the next steps to take are


Generate & filter ideas

You’ll learn:

  • How to generate practical ideas if you don’t know where to start
  • How to choose the best ideas, if you have too many
  • How you can start testing your ideas without leaving the safety of your current job


Draw up a roadmap

You’ll learn:

  • The biggest mistakes to avoid during the shift
  • Why looking for jobs when shifting doesn't usually work – and what does
  • The clear next steps that are best for you to take

You'll be led by two of our expert career coaches

What others have said about our workshops

Image of Issy

"I had an epiphany that gave me the clarity of direction I had been seeking. If you're unsure about what direction to go in, try the workshop. If you only meet people in the same boat, that in itself is helpful; but you may also get the clarity you need like I did. "

Issy - Shifted from Consultant to Own Interior Design Business
Image of Paul

"Amazing! The workshop helped me to understand my values on a deeper level, what I was good at, and what I enjoyed. I also got some very useful tips about job hunting and creative exposure within my field of work. It helped me bridge the gap from what I was doing to what I wanted to do. "

Paul - Shifted from Sales into Training

"“I needed a little extra push that it was OK to make a career change. The workshop helped me realise that it could really be a positive thing, not just for me personally but for my career too. I found it really useful examining what kinds of things suit my personality and in what type of situations I work well.” "

Emily - Shifted from Fundraising Executive at Non-Profit to Teaching

"The workshop helped me focus on my motivations, and I used this as the benchmark to test every opportunity against — if it wasn't up to scratch, I didn't pursue it. I'm now doing everything I hoped and more. "

Alan - Shifted from Banking to Consulting

"Made me feel like making a career change is not magic but a defined and analytical process. The step-by-step method made it tangible for me. "

Prachi - Shifting from Senior Analyst

"It helped me work out the parts of my current career that I liked (mostly interacting with and helping people) and got me thinking as to what to do next. Ultimately something just clicked and it all came together. "

Paul - Shifted from IT to Psychotherapy

"It narrowed down my options so I was able to focus on areas that really matter to me. Do it! It sowed a seed of change for me and I haven't looked back since. "

Denise - Shifted from IT for major retail company to Personal Trainer

"DO IT – keep an open mind, listen to the experiences of others, and be inspired. The workshop helped clarify ideas I had and gave me the incentive to apply for a job I really wanted. Now I'm doing something which gives me significantly more satisfaction than ever before. "

Chris - Shifted from Accountant to Professional Qualifications Tutor

"I knew I had to make a change but didn't know where to turn or what to do next. The workshop was absolutely fantastic. I felt so motivated for months after, and it gave me the drive I needed to 'follow the dream'. I couldn't possibly be any happier. "

Sophie - Shifted from Marketing to the Music Industry

"My job was exhausting and soul destroying. At the workshop, for the first time, I met other people looking to make a change and I believed it was possible. Now, running my own business gives me the flexibility and freedom that I craved. I'm so happy I made the change. "

Lucy - Shifted from Communications (as an employee) to Brand Storytelling (her own business)

Life's too short to waste in the wrong career – take part in this workshop and kick start your career change into action.

Why take part:

  • Get unstuck with a clear step-by-step process for how to figure out the work that's right for you
  • Get a roadmap for how to move ahead
  • Don't get to six months from now regretting you didn't take action now

Where it takes place:

The workshop takes place online. You can join us via a computer, tablet or mobile device. Once you've reserved your place, we'll send you full details of how to take part.

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I have absolutely no idea what else I want to do. Will this workshop help me?


Our speciality is helping people exactly like you. The workshop is designed to give you insights and practical, proven strategies to help you figure out what you really want to do.

I have some vague ideas of what I want to do but am still confused. Will this workshop work for me?


The workshop is all about helping you get more clarity about your situation: it may provoke new ideas; equally, it may help you validate some of the ideas you have already. 

Most importantly, you'll come away feeling more confident and more motivated to take the next steps.

I'm very clear about what I want to do next; I'm just struggling to get there. Should I attend?


This workshop is best suited to people who are still aren't 100% clear on what else they want to do.

Is this appropriate if I haven't worked for a while?

The workshop is best suited to people already in work or not long out of the workplace.

It's also suitable for mothers who want to make a major shift when returning to work.

If you've been long-term unemployed and are struggling to re-enter the job market, then this is not the best workshop for you.

Will I leave knowing what my dream career is?

This has occurred in the past, though it's more likely that you will leave very clear on what you need to do to make your shift happen.

We aim for you to leave clearer about what you want from your next career; more knowledgeable about the steps you'll need to take; and more confident in your ability to make the change.

How is the workshop delivered? What it's like to take part?

The workshop is a highly interactive experience, with presentations and individual and group exercises.

Using video conferencing software, you'll interact with the coach and with others in the workshop using your computer's microphone (or a headset, if you have one), and also through a live questions box.

Is this workshop suitable for introverts?


We won't be asking you to do anything that will feel uncomfortable.

What about confidentiality?

We have very strict confidentiality policies at Careershifters.

We ask all participants not to share externally anything that's discussed in the workshop; we only use first names; and we don't share any recordings of the workshop.

Where does the workshop take place?

The workshop takes place entirely online.

This means you can take part from wherever you are in the world.

As soon as you reserve a place, we'll send you details of how you can join the workshop.

How long is the workshop?

The workshop lasts for two and a half hours.

We'll take a short break around half way through.

What equipment will I need to take part?

You just need a computer / laptop, with sound and a microphone.

How many people will be taking part?

Normally up to thirty-eight.

Will I need to prepare anything?


We'll cover everything during the workshop itself.

I can't make the date listed. What are your next available dates?

Please click here to let us know.

We'll then let you know as soon as we publish the date of the next workshop.

Can I sign up and get a recording of the workshop later?

Unfortunately not, for two reasons: firstly, due to confidentiality, we don't share recordings of the workshop; secondly, we deliberately design the workshops to be highly interactive.

We do this because we believe you'll get the most from the experience by being able to interact live with the coach and others in the group.

Can I buy a ticket on behalf of someone else?


Just buy a ticket as normal and write to us at [email protected] to let us know the name of the person you've bought the ticket for.

We'll do the rest!

I have a question that isn't listed here. Who can I ask?

Just drop us a line at [email protected] and we'll normally be able to get back to you within 24 hours on working days.